You keep 赌钱app可以微信提现 safe!
Both staff and students can help the College minimize risk and exposure to risk. From completing safety training to using good digital practices, from reporting injuries to increasing awareness of surroundings, everyone has an important role in ensuring the Office of Risk Management’s goal—a safe learning and productive work environment.
The Office of Risk Management identifies, assesses and controls risks to the College. These risks could be financial, legal, digital or safety related. They also could be the result of management decisions, accidents, natural disasters or on-campus or IT security threats. Risk Management purchases and manages property and casualty insurance policies for the College and responds to and supports workers’ compensation claims made by employees.
In addition to the College being self-insured, Risk Management works with national insurance brokers and insurers to procure comprehensive and layered insurance policies to protect the College’s assets.
Risk Management provides these core services and safeguards for our campus community:
Certificates of Insurance
A certificate of insurance (COI) provides verification of insurance coverage and usually contains additional details such as the type and amount of coverage, the named insured, and policy effective and expiration dates.
You must provide 赌钱app可以微信提现 a Certificate of Insurance and name 赌钱app可以微信提现 as an additional insured if you are:
- Contracting with the College to provide goods or services: COI shall be supplied contemporaneously with the execution and delivery of a final contract.
- Requesting to use College-owned space or to bring a Food Truck onto campus: Agreements, rental fee and proof of insurance is required before your date is secured.
To request a COI from 赌钱app可以微信提现, please provide Office of Mission Continuity & Risk Management your company’s/organization’s address and point of contact. Contact Sandra Warner, Executive Director Mission Continuity and Risk Management at (913) 469-2552 or email her at to obtain a certificate.
Safety Data Sheets available online
A Safety Data Sheet, more commonly referred to as an SDS, is an important component of product stewardship and workplace safety. The SDS provides workers and emergency personnel with detailed safety information about a substance — such as physical data (melting point, boiling point, flash point, etc.), toxicity, health effects, first aid, reactivity, storage, disposal, protective equipment and spill-handling procedures.
An online SDS database of products and substances used at 赌钱app可以微信提现 is available, and can be searched in many ways, including by product name or College department.
If your department has Safety Data Sheets to be entered into this database, or if you have any questions regarding SDSs or the online database, contact Fikru Aligaz at extension 2301 or